What happens if a UPS Truck is in an Accident

Every year, there are a staggering number of fatal accidents that involve one of the 125,000 plus UPS vehicles. A large fraction of their fleet comprises trucks – from the familiar brown delivery vans that come to your door, to monster triple-trailer semi-trucks carrying freight on America’s highways. In recent years, there has been an explosive increase in trucks on the roads as more people opt for home deliveries and online shopping. Unfortunately, if you’re involved in a crash with a heavy vehicle, such as a UPS semi-truck, it’s unlikely that you will survive unscathed. Furthermore, being in a UPS truck accident brings up a host of complex legal and regulatory issues. Any UPS truck involved in an accident will

Semi trucks in use

2022 Forecast for the Trucking Industry and the Safety Implications of More Large Trucks on the Road

As backlogged supply chains generate shortages in materials and parts, demand for moving freight across the U.S. is high. From retailers keeping shelves stocked to manufacturers sourcing raw materials, businesses are currently paying a premium to get products where they need to go. Rather than shipping goods by train, which is more fuel-efficient and economical, companies are “booking trucks on the spot.”  As a result, large truck capacity is tight and expected to remain so through 2022.  Adding to the situation are e-commerce sales, truck equipment shortages, and a struggling labor market.  Finding enough drivers to meet demand has been difficult for already under-pressure trucking companies. Rising freight volume translates to an increase in the number of large trucks on

How Many Hours can a Truck Driver Drive – A Guide

Safety on our Roadways: Service Hour Guidelines for Truck Drivers Every day we share crowded highways with work commuters, e-commerce deliverers, ride-share drivers, school and metro bus drivers and large commercial truck drivers, among others.  Motorists use these roadways for a multitude of purposes. Yet if they have anything in common, it is to arrive at their destination without incident.  Safety affects everyone on the road. Among the more potentially dangerous vehicles are large trucks. By definition, a large truck is defined as having a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of more than 10,000 pounds.  Weighing as much as four or more times the average car, large trucks are also vastly longer and wider.  When a truck of this size

truck accident lawsuit process
Truck Crashes

How Do Truck Accident Lawsuits Work

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Incredible log truck collision left a professional chef with a broken jaw

Benji is a professional chef, and he is passionate about his calling. He and his wife worked hard to purchase a piece of property outside of Longview, Washington. They were making plans to build a there home for themselves and their young son. In an instant, everything changed. Surviving a log truck collision On a rainy summer afternoon, Benji was driving out to inspect his property. A logging truck driver was at a stop sign on Abernathy Creek road. He started to turn left onto State Route 4, and then stopped about several feet into the west-bound lane—right in front of Benji’s car. As the truck started to turn and stop in front of him, Benji tried to avoid the

Top 10 types of truck crashes — and why they happen

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