truck accident insurance claim

How to File a Truck Accident Claim

Injury victims who have been in truck accidents regularly ask questions and suffer grave injuries. After a vehicle collision, what actions should you take? What’s the procedure for filing a claim after a truck accident

The process for filing an accident claim is roughly the same whether you have a fractured bone or a catastrophic brain injury as a result of a vehicle accident.

Your rights will be upheld if you receive advice and assistance from a knowledgeable attorney at Coluccio Law throughout the truck accident claims procedure.

Things to Consider Before Submitting Your Claim 

Write down the specifics of the collision and your injuries as soon as possible. Even if a police report has already been completed, your notes may include information that the police did not capture. If at all feasible, gather witness statements, accident site pictures, and even tangible proof of the collision, as they may be required to prove responsibility on the part of the negligent truck driver. As soon as you decide to file a truck accident claim, make sure to inform the transportation firm and the driver. Finally, learn about the insurance company’s claim filing procedure, become comfortable with it, and make sure you don’t miss any deadlines.

truck accident claims
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What Damages Can I Collect for a Truck Accident Claim 

The particulars of your case and the severity of your injuries will determine the types and quantities of damages to which you are entitled following a truck accident.

The court refers to economic damages as the quantifiable financial losses you suffered as a result of your accident. These cover the various categories of damages that you may name and calculate, like:

  • Medical expenses
  • Additional costs for healthcare
  • The price of medicine
  • The process of getting to and from medical institutions
  • Lost income
  • Future wages lost
  • Costs of burial and funeral

Because they are subjective, non-economic losses that the court cannot measure involve harm to the body and the mind rather than financial loss. You can get legal assistance in determining the worth of these non-economic damages, which may include:

  • Distress and suffering
  • Mental suffering
  • Loss of group support
  • Permanent deformity or scarring.

Punitive damages may also be awarded when the court deems the at-fault driver’s acts to be particularly vile. The payment that the driver is required to offer in addition to economic and non-economic losses as a kind of punishment or deterrent is referred to as this type of compensation.

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Process of Filing a Truck Accident Claim 

It is crucial that you never say or concur with anything that places the responsibility on you or minimizes the severity of your injuries and other losses. Such statements can and will be used against you by the insurance company. 

Step 1: Seek Medical Assistance

Speak with a doctor right away. Following a vehicle collision, you should prioritize getting emergency care. Call 911 and ask for emergency medical assistance or visit a doctor within a 24-hour period if emergency treatment is not required. 

Whiplash is one of the severe injuries frequently seen in truck accidents, and its symptoms take time to manifest. In addition to ensuring proper treatment, visiting a doctor can help you gather documentation of any injuries you may have had and the medical attention you need. 

Step 2: Report The Accident

Inform the authorities about the incident. A responding law enforcement officer will ask you and the truck driver for basic information when you dial 911 to contact the police. The officer will include details about the collision in an accident report.

Step 3: Gather All Necessary Information

Compile information. If you can, take pictures of the accident scene, your vehicle’s damage, and the truck, which should include company names, addresses, etc. Any obvious wounds should be photographed. Obtain the name, address, contact information, and email address of any witnesses to the collision, including any passengers in your car. 

Step 4: Get In Touch With Your Insurance Provider

Call your insurance provider. You must inform your insurance provider of the collision. Do not put off taking action because there are stringent deadlines for alerting the insurance company. Answer inquiries honestly, but avoid making claims about what occurred or why, and never take responsibility. 

Watch out for settlement offers and insurance adjusters. After your accident, an insurance adjuster will probably contact you. He or she might inquire about the accident and your injuries. You can also receive what appears to be an alluring settlement cheque from an adjuster. Never accept a settlement from a truck accident without first having it examined by counsel. 

Acquire free legal counsel on your truck accident insurance claim. More so than claims involving merely property damage or even claims involving two passenger cars, filing a personal injury claim following a truck accident is a difficult process. You can be certain that the trucking firm will be supported by a large team of attorneys, so you shouldn’t take a chance by trying to handle this on your own. 

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – Truck Accident Claim 

Let us have a look at the most frequently asked questions surrounding the filing of a truck accident claim.

How much are most Truck Accident Settlements?

In each unique truck accident scenario, the amount of compensation will differ. The usual semi-truck accident settlement estimates are not intended to serve as a guideline or a forecast of the amounts that will be given in each case.

Can I claim Compensation for a Crash?

The most frequent type of legal settlement that results from a truck accident is a truck accident settlement. The responsible party (such as the truck driver or their company) often pays the injured party a sum of money for an amount of money that has been agreed upon by the parties and their respective representatives.

Consider getting in touch with Coluccio Law as soon as possible after a truck accident. We may examine the specifics of your truck accident claim, determine its value, and provide an anticipated time frame for getting compensation.

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