Burn Injury Legal Options

What to do if you have Suffered a Burn Injury

At Coluccio Law, we take burn-related cases very seriously – and there is a good reason for it! Burn victims endure extreme pain and discomfort and, at times, might be left completely disfigured. The medical costs of burn-related injuries can be astronomical and not always within reach of these victims.

That’s why we help our burn injury victim clients take the legal action required to get the compensation they deserve.

What are The Common Causes of Burn Injuries?

Scalding liquids, hot metals, or radiation exposure can cause burn injuries. Precautions and following proper safety protocols can help prevent burn injuries. Deep burns can occur when the skin and underlying tissues are exposed to intense heat or flames.

Burns Are Serious Injuries

In any event, burns are a serious matter. Seek medical attention immediately if you are someone you know has been burnt. It’s important to note that all burn injuries, even minor ones, require professional medical treatment.

First aid training – burn injury. Learning vital first aid for burn injuries.

Types of Burn Injuries Explained

It’s important to know that different burn injuries are categorized based on severity. Naturally, this directly impacts the compensation settlement of burn injury victims.

First-degree, second-degree, and third-degree burns each have unique symptoms and treatments.

Outer Layer Burn Types

First Degree Burn

This type of degree burn affects only the outer layer, the epidermis. The burn site appears red on the skin’s surface, causing pain and swelling. These are not severe burns and heal without scarring within a few days.

Common Causes of First-Degree Burns

Burn injuries are often caused by various things, such as touching a hot object, sunburn, electrical burns, thermal burns, and mild chemical-related burns. It only affects the top layer of the skin and hair follicles and usually heals within a few days. These types of burns also typically do not cause damage to blood vessels.

Safety Tip: The availability of a fire extinguisher and medical burn kit is fundamental in managing minor to mild burns and mitigating the spread of any fire-related situation.

Second Degree Burn or Partial Thickness Burns

Burns affect the epidermis and the underlying layer of skin, the dermis layer or middle layer, causing blisters, severe pain, swelling, and redness.

Although treatable at home, you should seek medical care before starting any self-treatment.

Partial thickness burns, which affect the epidermis and the layer beneath it (dermis), can damage blood vessels. These burns can cause blistering and severe pain and may take several weeks to heal.

Generally speaking, all burn injuries may be eligible for compensation. However, mild to severe burn injury compensation claims should definitely be represented by an experienced burn injury lawyer. Especially since these injuries often require expensive and ongoing treatment.

Three Things You Should Not Do To A Burn Wound?

It is important to avoid certain things that can cause further damage and hinder the healing process when dealing with any burn wound. Three things that should be avoided are:

  • Applying ice or cold water to the affected area can cause further tissue damage, additional burn scars, and worsen the burn area.
  • Using butter, oil, or other home remedies on the wound can trap heat and bacteria, leading to infection and delayed healing.
  • Breaking any blisters that may have formed can increase the infection risk and slow the healing process.

Severe Burn Types Explained

Full-thickness burns, which affect all layers of the skin and underlying tissues, can cause extensive tissue damage. These types of burns often require surgical intervention and can take months to heal.

Third-degree Burns

Third-degree burns are serious burns that extend through the entire thickness of the skin and can even damage the underlying tissue. With these burns, the burn site appears white or charred and may result in numbness due to nerve damage.

These burn injuries damage all three layers of the skin, including nerve endings, and pose the highest risk of complications.

A third-degree burn requires medical attention and can take several months to heal. Surgery or skin grafts may be necessary to repair the damage. Seek medical assistance immediately as a third-degree burn can lead to a higher risk of complications such as infections, hypothermia, and shock and require specialized treatment.

Fourth Degree Burn Injuries

Fourth-degree burns extend beyond the skin to affect the bones, muscles, and tendons. The most severe burn injuries are categorized as 4th-degree burns.

These severe burns require immediate medical attention. In extreme cases, burn victims require skin grafts and may require amputation of the affected limb in the most severe cases. These burns can be life-threatening, with a long and challenging recovery process. A fourth-degree burn survivor will likely be a candidate for plastic surgery to address permanent damage.

How to Handle Burn Injuries?

Taking the necessary steps to ensure proper treatment and prevent further damage in any burn-related incident is essential. Firstly, remove the heat source or flames and move to a safe area.

Next, you should assess the severity of the burn. Minor burns can be treated at home by rinsing the affected area with cool water for several minutes, while severe burns require immediate medical attention.

Treating Burn Symptoms

Apply a sterile, non-adhesive bandage or ointment to promote healing and protect the area. For chemical burns, remove contaminated clothing and rinse with water for at least 20 minutes. For electrical burns, turn off the power source and avoid touching the person or the source of the electrical current.

You may be entitled to receive financial compensation in addition to workers’ compensation benefits to cover the medical expenses, loss of income, lost wages, and the pain and suffering endured.

Since serious burn injuries can cause physical harm and take a significant emotional toll, especially when disfigurement or scarring results from the wound, compensation is needed to treat and deal with these life-changing injuries. Burn survivors not only suffer the serious injury physical effects but often experience post-traumatic stress disorder and struggle with the emotional distress caused.

Are Burn Injuries Considered a Disability?

In some cases, yes. However, it depends on the severity and where the burn injuries are located. If significant damage is caused to muscles, underlying bones, nerves, or organs, it can result in permanent physical disability.

If the burn affects the face, hands, or other body parts essential and needed for everyday tasks, it can also cause functional disability.

Coluccio Law – Your Expert Burn Injury Lawyer

Don’t hesitate to contact Coluccio Law today to schedule a free consultation with our expert burn injury lawyer. As an experienced personal injury attorney we can explain your legal options after a burn injury and help get you the compensation you deserve for your burn injuries.

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