David Grant is doing something very unusual: he’s actually talking about his traumatic brain injury.
He survived a serious bicycle accident in 2010, but was left with a brain injury.
David explains the challenges of TBI in frank and honest way.
He describes his personal struggles to accept his disability, and to live a different life than he had planned. He writes of his routine, of “bad brain days,” of friends he lost, and family challenges.
He talks about educating other people – even medical professionals – on TBI, and how there are times when he can’t bring himself to explain it yet again.
“There is still a very real social stigma attached to having a traumatic brain injury.”
I have known people with TBIs. I have represented a number in nearly thirty years of practicing law.
Many TBI survivors don’t speak openly about their injury: too often, people don’t have the slightest idea what a brain injury entails. And those who do often react with pity instead of empathy.
I commend David Grant for sharing his story, and giving a voice to the silent survivors.
Check out David Traumatic Brain Injury blog.