The ONLY Washington Based Certified Dump Truck Accident Attorney

Talk to a Certified Dump Truck Crash Lawyer

Dump Truck Accident

With more and more construction sites popping up in cities and rural areas, it’s no surprise that dump truck accident statistics are on the rise. It’s estimated that more than 100 workers suffer fatal injuries every year due to accidents involving dump trucks – and the scariest part is that this statistic doesn’t include civilian injuries and damages. 

If you or a loved one have suffered injuries in a collision with this type of heavy machinery, finding a reputable dump truck accident lawyer should be atop your list of priorities. Suffering dump truck collision injuries is a delicate situation, so it’s important to have the right legal advice as well as representation throughout the process.

Legal Process: Determining Who Is Liable for the Damages

Out of all the types of accident, dump truck collisions and crashes are among the most disastrous. Not only do they always involve at least one piece of heavy machinery in the dump truck, but the hydraulic and electrical elements found in this type of vehicle increase the chances of rolling, electrical injuries, as well as other damages. 


Here’s the process we follow to determine who is liable for the damages. 

Assessing Your Case

The first thing our legal experts will do is assess your case and perform interviews with all relevant witnesses. During this step, we analyze your version of the story as well as the damages you have suffered to start building a case against the responsible parties. 

Investigating the Collision

Next, we move on to the investigation process. At this stage, we already have a few interviews under our belt, so we continue to seek relevant witnesses and gather all pieces of evidence that will help support your case. 


It’s common for our legal attorneys to visit the collision site during this step because this can also reveal critical information and determine whether the crash was captured by nearby cameras. 

Checking Applicable Legislation

Now, it’s time to review applicable legislation and laws that cover dump trucks, heavy machinery, and construction equipment. 


At the same time, we also review laws around driver qualifications, schedules, and other relevant information that could influence the outcome of your case. 

Reviewing Evidence

Once we have collected all the evidence and performed every interview, we start reviewing these pieces of information. 


Your case truly starts taking shape during this process, and we keep you informed of any major changes or potential points that you may find interesting. 

Determining the Cause and Liable Parties

Once we’ve reviewed the evidence, our legal team will start to figure out which party or parties are responsible for the crash. 


The responsibility could fall on the shoulders of a single party or be shared if the crash occurred due to a combination of reasons, like driver negligence and a poorly maintained dump truck.

What to Do After a Dump Truck Accident

Here are the steps you should follow after being involved in a dump truck accident.

  • Seek medical attention right away
  • Contact law enforcement and fill out a police report
  • If possible, take pictures and videos to document the extent and cause of the accident
  • Collect driver as well as witness information
  • Contact your attorney and your insurance company


Dump Truck Accident

What Type of Compensation Can You Qualify For?

If you are involved in a dump truck accident, the compensation you receive directly depends on the damages you have suffered. In most cases, victims can claim:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Property damages
  • Additional out-of-pocket expenses
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress and trauma
  • Punitive damages

Why Do Dump Truck Accidents Occur?

Dump truck accidents can occur for a wide range of reasons, so it’s necessary to figure out the true cause of the accident in order to hold the responsible party or parties accountable. 

Driver Negligence

Tired, distracted, and otherwise negligent drivers can be at the root of a dump truck accident. If this is the case, it’s necessary to figure out if it’s due to true negligence, or if there was a related reason for the crash, like unreasonable schedules and deadlines. 

Mechanical Failures and Lack of Maintenance

Mechanical failures can also lead to dump truck accidents, but here it’s important to determine whether it was a factory issue or if it was due to lack of maintenance by the fleet manager. 

Poorly Maintained Roads

Potholes and other road issues can cause dump trucks to lose control even when driving within the speed limit and cause disastrous collisions.

Inclement Weather Conditions

Inclement weather such as heavy storms can increase the chances of a collision. Here, it’s important to note that if you’re riding a motorcycle, dump truck accident injuries can be much more serious than victims who are driving a car.

Injuries You May Suffer During a Dump Truck Accident

Our dump truck accident attorney team at Coluccio Law has handled hundreds of cases involving this type of heavy machinery. Common injuries that may occur during this type of accident include:

  • Trauma to the head that results in concussions and other traumatic brain injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries including whiplash, herniated discs, and temporary/permanent paralysis
  • Broken ribs, cardiac injuries, and other internal body damages
  • Limb fractures, including potential open injuries that present an additional risk of infection
  • Facial and skull fractures
  • Soft-tissue injuries including torn ACLs, cuts, bruises, and contusions
  • Chemical, electrical, and fire-related burns
  • Psychological injuries and trauma

Seeking Compensation for Dump Truck Accident Injuries? Our Legal Team is Here to Help

Dump trucks are extremely heavy pieces of machinery required to clear sites and perform a wide range of construction projects. While they’re necessary, it’s also important to note that dump truck accidents result in hundreds of deaths annually, not to mention millions in property damage. 

It doesn’t matter if your car was hit, electrocuted, or crushed by a dump truck, being involved in an accident with such a big vehicle can be scary and overwhelming. If you suffered injuries during the collision, it’s important to hold the responsible party accountable as this will help ensure that you get the medical and financial resources you need to make a full recovery. 

At Coluccio Law, our team of legal professionals has extensive experience finding the responsible party and helping dump truck accidents get the compensation they need to move on. 

Get in touch with us to book a free consultation, we’ll carefully analyze your case and let you know what the best course of legal action is based on your specific circumstances.

Talk to an experienced Dump Truck Crash Lawyer

Contact Coluccio Law for a free consultation on your truck crash claim.

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