Concrete Mixer Accident

How do Concrete Trucks Cause Accidents

Concrete truck accidents can be serious and cause significant damage and injury due to the heavy weight and nature of the materials being transported. These enormous vehicles weigh over 60,000 pounds while transporting cement. The weight of a concrete truck is disproportionately concentrated in the mixing drum; hence these trucks are frequently quite top-heavy. Cement trucks, therefore, have a 10 times higher rollover rate than cars. Have you been in a Concrete Truck Accident? Coluccio Law is a personal law firm that specializes in helping victims of truck accidents, including concrete truck accidents. The law firm provides legal assistance to those who have been injured in a concrete truck accident, or to the families of those who have been affected.

2023 Semi Truck Accident Lawsuit

A Complete Guide on Semi Truck Accident 2023 Lawsuit

The Coluccio Law team is committed to making a genuine and positive difference in the lives of persons and their families. Kevin Coluccio and Coluccio Law specialize in collisions involving commercial trucks and semi-trucks. It is estimated that each year, there are roughly 5,000 people killed in semi-truck accidents. The most common causes of semi-truck accidents are truck driver fatigue, speeding, failure to follow traffic control devices, poor vehicle maintenance, distracted truck drivers, inexperienced truck drivers, and improper cargo loading. Why are Semi Truck Accidents so Dangerous? If a semi-truck collides with another vehicle at high speed, serious or fatal injuries are likely to occur. The size and weight of a commercial truck are two of the primary elements that

driving while eating

Eating While Driving – Is it Legal?

Eating while driving is a problem all around the country, whether it is done out of convenience or to save time. Every meal eaten while driving offers a risk, but some meals are more distracting than others. Hot coffee, tacos, hamburgers, fried chicken, jelly doughnuts, and chocolate are among the top 10 items to avoid eating while driving, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The average cost of a minor collision for a driver is $8,900. But when drivers and their passengers suffer injuries, that number soars (to upwards of $70,000). Seven percent of the country admits to eating while driving every single day, with 56 percent of Americans admitting to doing so on a semi-regular basis. Is

car accident police report

How to Get a Police Report for a Car Accident

Getting a police report following a car accident is a very important step, irrespective of if the incident is a slight fender bender or quite a major collision. Understanding what makes up car accident police reports, when and how to get one – as well as how a police report may be utilized during a car accident settlement or lawsuit – are essential for protecting your legal rights. This article explains when and how to get a report so that your rights will be protected. What Is a Car Accident Police Report? A police report is an incident report that is created by a law enforcement officer who reacts to the scene of a car accident. The report, which is

Drunk Driving

Is Drowsy Driving Worse Than Drunk Driving?

Drowsy driving is the combination of driving when sleepy and usually happens when a driver has not slept enough. This can be a result of an untreated sleep disorder or shift work that is taxing on one’s body. Prescription and over-the-counter medications can also cause drowsiness, as well as alcohol. Causes of Drowsy Driving Alcohol: Drinking alcohol can contribute to drowsy driving and also affects reaction time and decision-making. Sleep Deprivation: A lack of sleep is a major cause of excessive daytime sleepiness, which can cause microsleep or other dangerous driving behavior. Sleep Disorders: Many sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea, cause an individual’s sleep to be restricted and interrupted. Time of Day: Accidents resulting from driving while drowsy happen

not a fault car accident

How to Prove You Are Not At Fault in a Car Accident

After a car accident, insurers try to figure out which driver was at fault. This may affect the amount of the insurance claim payout or denial of a claim. At times fault can be difficult to prove. Each state deems and attributes fault in a car crash differently, in particular when it comes to property damage as opposed to bodily injury claims. Most insurance coverage provides for Personal Injury Protection (“PIP”), which provides benefits regardless of who is at fault. This coverage generally only applies to policyholders. What is a “Fault” in a Car Accident? An at-fault car accident is one where the driver performed an action or did not take an action that caused the incident, commonly called an


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